Friday, December 15, 2006

Batman is the Head of the Russian CIA

So apparently the reason Batman hasn't been seen in awhile is because he is too busy running the Russian version of the CIA. What's that you say the Russians have their own version of the CIA? Well you probably didn't say that, your question probably related to the mention of Batman or something. You would totally think something like that, I know your kind, bashful and stoic on the outside a real powder keg of burnt radish and mesquite grilled burlap bags on the inside. Who is even reading this? It doesn't even make sense. Carrying on as I was taught to do by my former lover and teacher Mister Timothy Gunn I present the evidence that Batman is a Commie.

What the hell is that you say? Well I will tell you but only after you stop stroking my hair. Stop doing the eyelash thingy too, it's kinda creepy. So this, my sacrilegious lethargic abba loving dancing queens is the logo for the Russian version of the CIA. Except it can't be called the CIA because that would be known as biting. The Russian government does not bite, they have their own thang going, nah mean?? Yeah so they are called the GRU or something, I dunno, read about them here from the article I bit this picture from.

Here is another picture of Putin saying "Whaaaaaat??" As he takes a tour of the new intelligence agency's building. I am pretty sure that's what he is saying. Because unbeknownst to you I can read Russian president's expressions with 94.2% accuracy. One time I thought he was thinking "This turkey is scrumdiddliuumptious." But in reality he was thinking about his favorite episode of Growing Pains. Hey nobody is perfect. You would have thought the same me. Anyways here is the picture. He is like whoa that is totally a Batman symbol..or something.

So who's idea was this? Why would the Russian government want their CIA to have the Batman symbol? I mean sure he is the dark knight, he has a gay lover, a butler and the ability to kill people ninja style but I still don't get it. It's like the American CIA symbol being Captain America's shield or the FBI becoming the justice league. It's just crazy talk. I would like to work for the DEA if they had the X-men symbol and we go to wear tight leather outfits and fly around in a jet. But that is beside the point, It seems weird to appropriate an American pop culture icon as the symbol for your spies and agents. It's like an 8 year old was their graphic designer, he just said who is the coolest toughest baddest assest peronius you can thinkus ofus. That's how 8 year olds talk right? Or is that a bad imitation of Latin? Either way, it's total comic book geeking out. Especially if they have jackets or hats made. It also is not a good way to not draw attention to your agency. Which could be the point, since there are goobers like me writing about it now and comic book guy virgins applying for their agency right now. They probably already have their capes. Anyways just thought I would share this, I thought it was extremely weird and oddly amusing, kinda like when you see an old person fall and struggle to try and get back up, while young mohicans keep knocking them back down, their shaking arthritic hand reaching for their cane while the Mohicans circle poking, prodding and laughing callously, kicking the cane just out of reach. The withered frail body gasping for air, their eyes tearing up from frustration and confusion, I thought there was only one of you left they shout at no one Mohican in particular? You're not Daniel Day Lewis...

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