Monday, December 11, 2006

I Suck

There are serious problems with my writing. First off there is no nuance, there is no allusion. A good writer makes you infer what is happening, they carefully paint a picture that the reader must interpret, the characters have layers and you think in that character's mindset. You say oh Joan would be thinking this way about a certain line. There is not just straight up statement about how Joan is feeling. The reader should be able to read the signs without a bright flashy arrow pointing to them. I have a problem with big flashy arrow signs. There is no craft that I employ, my writings are more like already chewed food as opposed to a full course meal, where you get to enjoy the layers, the tastes, different courses. Mine is already processed ready to be spit into a baby bird's mouth. There is no subtlty, no skill. I say this is what I think, my characters have no depth, just lines that could be delivered from anyone of them. Other writer's works can be interpreted in differnt ways, feel like mine have one point that is outlined in think sharpie. There are not little things that you can pick up from a scene that lend more cadence to the development of the story or character development. I tell don't show and that is exactly the opposite of what writing instructors tell you to do. Show the character doing something that points to a side of their personality don't just say what their peronality is like. If there is a gun in the wall in the story than by the end of the story the gun better go off. I have tons of guns on the walls of my stories but hey never discharge, I don't know why they are there. I have flowery descriptions of stuff that doesn't play an integral part in the piece as a whole. Basically these writings suck.
THank you and goodnight....not really goodnight, I still have a lot of time at work so I might write some more after this little critical piece.

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