Friday, December 15, 2006

Batman is the Head of the Russian CIA

So apparently the reason Batman hasn't been seen in awhile is because he is too busy running the Russian version of the CIA. What's that you say the Russians have their own version of the CIA? Well you probably didn't say that, your question probably related to the mention of Batman or something. You would totally think something like that, I know your kind, bashful and stoic on the outside a real powder keg of burnt radish and mesquite grilled burlap bags on the inside. Who is even reading this? It doesn't even make sense. Carrying on as I was taught to do by my former lover and teacher Mister Timothy Gunn I present the evidence that Batman is a Commie.

What the hell is that you say? Well I will tell you but only after you stop stroking my hair. Stop doing the eyelash thingy too, it's kinda creepy. So this, my sacrilegious lethargic abba loving dancing queens is the logo for the Russian version of the CIA. Except it can't be called the CIA because that would be known as biting. The Russian government does not bite, they have their own thang going, nah mean?? Yeah so they are called the GRU or something, I dunno, read about them here from the article I bit this picture from.

Here is another picture of Putin saying "Whaaaaaat??" As he takes a tour of the new intelligence agency's building. I am pretty sure that's what he is saying. Because unbeknownst to you I can read Russian president's expressions with 94.2% accuracy. One time I thought he was thinking "This turkey is scrumdiddliuumptious." But in reality he was thinking about his favorite episode of Growing Pains. Hey nobody is perfect. You would have thought the same me. Anyways here is the picture. He is like whoa that is totally a Batman symbol..or something.

So who's idea was this? Why would the Russian government want their CIA to have the Batman symbol? I mean sure he is the dark knight, he has a gay lover, a butler and the ability to kill people ninja style but I still don't get it. It's like the American CIA symbol being Captain America's shield or the FBI becoming the justice league. It's just crazy talk. I would like to work for the DEA if they had the X-men symbol and we go to wear tight leather outfits and fly around in a jet. But that is beside the point, It seems weird to appropriate an American pop culture icon as the symbol for your spies and agents. It's like an 8 year old was their graphic designer, he just said who is the coolest toughest baddest assest peronius you can thinkus ofus. That's how 8 year olds talk right? Or is that a bad imitation of Latin? Either way, it's total comic book geeking out. Especially if they have jackets or hats made. It also is not a good way to not draw attention to your agency. Which could be the point, since there are goobers like me writing about it now and comic book guy virgins applying for their agency right now. They probably already have their capes. Anyways just thought I would share this, I thought it was extremely weird and oddly amusing, kinda like when you see an old person fall and struggle to try and get back up, while young mohicans keep knocking them back down, their shaking arthritic hand reaching for their cane while the Mohicans circle poking, prodding and laughing callously, kicking the cane just out of reach. The withered frail body gasping for air, their eyes tearing up from frustration and confusion, I thought there was only one of you left they shout at no one Mohican in particular? You're not Daniel Day Lewis...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What an Ass

Haha fucking Kanye. Did anyone see him freakout when he didn't win video of the year? Acting like a jackass, running up ti the mic and taking it away from the real winners. Talking some shit like, "Ooooh I spent a million dollars, I had Pamela Anderson in my video, because i didn't win this it makes the whole awards show fake wah wah." Some shit like that, the best part of it all was that he didn't even see the video that won, so he had no idea what he lost too. Such an ass move to just assume you are better than someone without even knowing what they have done. I think he prefaced all of his shit with no offense to the winners but....Yeah basically that was a whole lot of offense to the winners. How are you going to claim to have the best video, you don't know Kanye, that video wasn't even that tight. Pamela Anderson does not make something award winning. I mean sure she brought thousands of emmys to the cast of Baywatch and Barbed Wire swept the oscars, but you cant predict this type of stuff Kanye. The budget thing doesn't matter either, creativity will win out over money any day. So keeping all of this in mind check out this article Kanye is being sued by Evel Knievel for basically stealing his image and making the touch the sky video. Creativity Kanye, shieeeeeeeet the simpsons made this episode like ten years ago. Just because you jacked evel's whole routine and spent a ton of money doing it doesn't mean you should win something. How is that even close to being a tight video. You didn't do anything except say remember when evel knievel tried to jump snake canyon? Maybe I could be Kanyevel, huh? Does that sound tight or what? No it doesn't sound tight you egotistical bastard. I think it's hilarious you didn't win and to top it off you are getting your ass sued. I love it!!!

You know why? Because I am a hater. Because I think you can't rap for shit and you are so full of yourself it's sickening. Just because you say the same word three times it doesn't mean that's a rhyme.

"Took nothing from no man
Man I'm my own man
But as a shorty I looked up to the dope man
Only adult man
I knew that wasn't broke man
Flicking starter coats man
Man you don't know man"

Puuuuuuure garbage, shitty, shitty shitty. Same as your lines about you remind me of my jeep but not nokia you can call me on my cell but not nokia" Ohhhh that was fucking tiiiight you said nokia twice but it meant different things, man you are the greatest you should win every fucking award there is. Shit that is the same as juvenile's style, just add the same ending to every word and that's a verse? No that's just a bad song-uh, know what I'm saying-uh? Just stay behind the boards dude. You suck on the mic and your an asshole. You were right about the George Bush thing and you are a tight ass producer but stick to what you know and stand back from the mic. Oh and stop being such an egotistical self absorbed douche bag.

stolen from an article

He stormed onstage and shouted: "Fuck this! If I don't win, the awards show loses credibility. Nothing against you, but hell man."

Following his outburst the rapper has now issued an apology and blamed the incident on the amount of booze he consumed that night.

He told MTV: "It was just out of raw emotion. I had a couple of drinks but I was more drunk with adrenaline. I was drinking at the awards show because I feel so at home at awards shows.

"On one hand, I felt like I should have won. But if anybody watches the show, I was laughing. People don't understand my dry sense of humour. I went up there and said, 'Hell nah, I should have won'."
(Just because you were laughing it doesn't make it ok to jump onstage when someone else wins an award and act like a dumbass)
Despite his apology he still felt that he should have won Best Video.

He added: "'Touch the Sky' was definitely better than that. [Their video] was good. It didn't cost a lot of money - I know it's not about the money, but when you got drinks in you, that's the first thing you're gonna say."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Complacent Cubicle Monologues

The ugliest thing I ever had to wear was a suffocating suit of complacency.
It was tight in the arms, limiting free swinging punches at oppurtunity. The back was taut confining the inhalation of everything that could have been.
Neck cinched, breathe restricted, if only I could undo this button.
I walk through the office and nobody notices my suit
But I can see their wardrobes for what they are
your too short skirt screams mid-life crisis
Your #1 dad tie mouths the word trapped
Everyone has their own set, style, chains
Ghosts wrapped in the problem of the day
I hop scotch through my shift, down a hall with alternating tiles of peach and grey.
I jump from one foot to the other acting like the peach tiles are lava, tie over shoulder tounge in the corner of my lips, eyes focused, don't touch the lava
Does my suit show that I am not a suitable fit as a corporate disciple
I do not worship kitchenettes or collating
I can feel the youth and hope beneath these clothes, this mask I wear
This costume that is beginning to become me
Complacency.....I wear it like you wear your belief in God or your childhood abuse
I need to go to a tailor because this doesn't fit me
Childhood visions of something better must have been in my other pants
Eeking it out over bran muffins at the water cooler
The lights are dimming as the darkness of reality slowly claws its way into my cubicle
I am becoming what I used to fear
I should finish myself off, buy a minivan and start losing hair
college idealism meets reality equals complacency


Please sign in if you are a new arrival, cabin assignments will be passed out over breakfast. I hope you enjoy your stay and don't have to bunk with a pedophile. But hey, life's a gamble right?? So have a seat and make some friends. Stay away from that guy with the eyepatch though, he is not a pirate, though he may talk of booty he is not referring to treasure chests full of gold. Trust me, you don't want any of his wicked games...

Nerdy Mcnerdster

I am a nerd who collects nerdy things. But seriously look at the art and the amazing stuff these people can do. This one is by RC44. This is one of my all time favorite pieces, it just looks so clean and bright.

Is it nerdy or cool? Ehh whatever it's visually pleasing and that's good enough for me. I think it's awesome but my girlfriend thinks it's dumb and a waste of money. You can see this guy's site here
Hit him up he is a cool guy. If you like his stuff he can make something for you at a reasonable price.

Here is another artist that I really like, I posted a canvas piece I bought from him a little bit ago but he does an awesome job customizing these figures as well. His name is Dear Earthling and he is from Seattle. Check out his site here and a sample of his work is posted below.

I love the colors he uses, the monotone/grey scale work really speaks to me. It speaks to me and says spend crazy amounts of money on useless pieces of plastic. For real though his color palate just looks so classic and clean.

Amazing, Amazing stuff. Or at least I think so....just check the detail

This guy is cool as fuck too, he hooked me up with a tight ass comission for a good price, hit him up if you like his stuff.

This is the same type of figure that RC44's is. Oh and if you have no clue what these are or what exactly is going on here then good. That means you are not a nerd. But let me explain what these are. Below is a picture of what the figure used to look like.

So you buy one of these and then if you have skill you can turn it into one of the sick pieces above. The other pieces by Dear Earthling are former figures that he stripped down and re-did. He customized them, usuing their shape as his canvas. It's really nerdy stuff, but oh well. Did you know that people customize my little ponies? I don't own any I was just saying that so I feel like less of nerd, these are obviously cooler than My Little Ponies right? Maybe......

This one is by Dok A, he is a well respected artist in this genre. His stuff has lots of range too, he gets pretty inventive and his technique is always flawless. Really professional looking.

This one is by Motorbot, he likes wood. Alright I think that's enough, I don't even really like these things as a platform anyways. I do like these customs though. If you are interested head over to That's enough nerd shit for today.

New Day, new nerd Shit

These are by a guy named Seph. Don't contact him though. I was supposed to get a piece from him but he up and dissappeared on me. After I paid too, weaaaaak. His work is still so nice to look at I just had to post it. Makes me sad though, I should have had one, mine was going to blue flames...

Simple and clean.

Raphael was always my favorite.

By Phuek, this just shows the different ways that these things can be transformed, awesome work.

Sam Flores show pics

These are from the Sam Flores show at White walls in SF, go see them in person link to the gallery here So, I wento the show this weekend and it was a really great show. Sam Flores is probably my favorite artist so I could be biased but, his stuff is just amazing.

This is a pic of a gigantic Fatima, his toy that he released last year, it had a fish pond under the dress and the orbs were filled with Betas or Chinese fighting fish, crazy stuff.

I think this one was called the Misery twins but I am not sure. From Sam's blog the story is; the misery twins are in the tree dropping posion or evil petals into the water trying to get the girl in the water. The tiger is her protector and guides her through safely.

This was on the wall of the gallery, amazing detail, hotness...

A couple of Sam's pieces had this gold leaf thing going on and at first I thought it would be too gaudy (based on the preview pics) but up close this stuff is amazing. Really goes with his asian influence and has that Japanese screen fel to it.

This was my favorite piece, if only I had $6,500. There was a ton of detail on this one. There is a whole city by that dog on her dress, you have to see it in person it's incredible. This girl also looks a lot more pretty to me than some of Sam's other girls. A lot of them are kinda freakish and deformed but this one looks right on and the whole piece is just so beautiful.

See this girl doesn't look as good to me, but that's just me...

Another favorite, only $7,500 haha I wish i could afford this stuff. If I owned this I would just stare at it all day and drool.

I didn't think I would like this one from the preview, but goddamn this piece was dope. This was one of the most expensive too, like $8,000 something.

Another shot of my favorite, you can really see the gold in this one.

Kinda scary but the background is the shizz

This was called "Ok maybe just one more" The woman is apparently taking a little snort of snuff or coke, not really sure which. But I was more into the background and the blue of the water. That blue was so deep, it was mesmerizing. I just wanted to jump in. I would have loved this if it didn't have the coke snorting chicks in the foreground.

This piece was called "Too much Sake" So yeah that's a chick hurling over the side of the bridge. It's nice but not one of the best pieces. There were a bunch of smaller paintings for $500 that you can see on the gallery site and there was a wall of sketches that I didn't grab a pic of. I bought one of the sketches for $250, I like it but man I wish his canvas stuff was still afordable. It was an awesome show though and if you are in the bay I recommend you stop by. Oh and another thing, if you do manage to stop by head upstairs and check that stuff out. Remember that Sylvia Ji print I wanted? It was called Autumn, it's posted a little back in the art post thingy, well anyways I went upstairs and they have the freaking original. It was crazy, I never thought I would see that thing in person and there it was. Good thing it was sold, or I would have spent $2,200. They also have Damon Soule pieces, some ike Giant, and another Sylvia Ji. I highly recommend a stop by to check out the gallery.

Better pics here

Zion-I- So Tall music video..somewhere in there

Zion-I fucking rule. It's true, you may have heard that Murs rules the world as stated here, but that is a false statement. Though Murs is a top notch M.C. maybe even in my top 5, Zion rule harder. I have no idea what I am talking about. They are both great and if you haven't heard their stuff check them out. I recommend Murs 3:16 with him and 9th wonder. It's a classic, good stuff, give it a listen and decide for yourself. I loved "Bad Man" off of that album till I played the shit out of it and now I am little burnt out on it. But to freash ears it will sound like the primordial love making of two wildebeasts beneath a waterfall. Actually I don't know what that sounds like. Maybe you should just listen to it. The whole album is good, buy it, download it, call me and I'll burn you a copy, just get it. Ok it would actually be better if you bought it. Support the man, he is a good dude, maybe, I don't really know him but from what I hear and the persona that he employs behind the mic he seems chill. If you don't support real hip hop and keep spending money on these janky ass records that they play on the radio and on mtv then we all lose. The true talent quits, they say, "What the fuck am I doing, I am giving you real music here, these lyrics have content, There is intelligence in these words, you motherfuckers just keep jiggling your asses and listening to stories of ex-convicts and how they murder people and sell drugs." Which I dunno if that's yourthing go for it I don't really care, I have no right to tell you what to listen to, put I can make these recommendations. The first one is Murs 3:16, give it a try, it's not that intelligent, it has a little bit of everything. Trust me you like. Wasn't i talking about Zion-I? Oh here is Murs' Myspace, everyone's doing it cmon didn't you know?? of course you did you saucy bastards, I dunno what that was all about.

Yeah ok so Zion-I is really good. That's the thought that started off this rant, this swirling vortex of incomphrehension and manic madness, as I sit alone confined in my ivory tower of indecipherability. See almost lost it again. Yeah, so this is recommendation two. Try buying true and livin, it's the last album they put out. It's hot, not like Paris Hilton when she says hot, but more like Mugatu when he says Hansel is hot. "That Zion-I, they're so hot right now." Something like that, have little symphonic sample of their delicacies at their myspace So the whole reason for this tripped out entry is I was looking at my myspace and I noticed that Zion-I had deleted the song I had playing on my page. So then I went to their myspace to get another song and I saw their video for "So Tall" and I was like goddamn these guys fucking rule. I love them, not like I love naked polo or Saurkraut tacos with yoohoo, but more than that, like I dunno, I just love them. They give me aural pleasure. This post just turned really homoerotic and I apologize, in case you are a homophobic I did not mean to offend your delicate virtues. I did not mean to impede upon your horribly ignorant and unneccessary views. Now it's political, and we don't need to get into this. I'll just give you a link to the video, I wish I was cool and I knew how to do that thing where people play it from their site like you just click it and it plays on the page, but alas I am not cool, so all I can offer is this archaic link, I do know how to do this though, here is what they look like, not that, that matters but I dunno...

So the video is for "So Tall" it is not the best song on the album but it is still a great song. It has this chorus that is kind of embarrassing for me, because it says, "When your young and black and proud like me, stand so tall for all to see." Something like that, well I am not young and black and proud, but I just really like the song so sometimes I sing along, but I am like man you really aren't talking to me on this one. But then I think well I support you though, I think people should be young and black and proud, that's a good message, much better than the shit on the radio. Much more intelligent, very usefull even. A side note I also was the same way about "Royalty" by Gangstarr, loved the song, totally not meant for me. It's cool though, anyways, the song is brilliant, clever wordplay to a nice kind of throwback beat, uplifting, empowering, just good stuff. Give it a listen. Support intelligence, put the gun down and back away from the mic. Tuck that chain in and sell all but 2 or 3 of your cars, just be a little more practical.

Here is an example of the complete opposite of Zion-I and quality music.
It's Jim Jones and the stay fly remix or something. Just listen to the lyrics, watch the video. They seriously, count money, shower in money, fling money, they fucking kick money for fucks sake. Are you guys serious?? Every verse is the same, chain, car, money, shoot someone, diamonds, I moved a key, I am hard, blah, blah, blah. It's sad, it's bad, it's what you people wanna hear. What can you do, carry on I guess. Just try those things I put above, just give them a little chance to maybe change your mind. It's up to you.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hungry Eyes

This article is pretty crazy, I have heard of this shit before but to know that the numbers of operations are increasing makes me a little sad. Here is the article

It talks about surgery that asians are getting done that enlarges their eyes so they appear more caucasian. Though lots of the people say they are not doing it to reject their ethnicity or to look more white, I really can't see any argument that supports their claims. It appears to me that, that is exactly what this surgery does. It says that you are conforming to the western ideals of white beauty, transforming your natural ethnic look so that you can try and blend in to white society. Granted you will never blend completley so I have no idea why you would want this done.

One girls says it's easier to put make up on. Bullshit, that is not a reason to have your eyelids cut open and your eye reshaped. Even it does take an hour it's still a pretty big decision, something that I think should not be based on how hard it is to apply make up on your Asian eyes. Now I am not a girl so perhaps this issue of applying eye makeup traumatizes asian women every morning forcing them to think to themselves damn it if only I had white eyes I could apply this so much easier and truly love myself. I really don't think this happens, I think that you are insecure with your identity and are trying to look like these images that are flashed at you when you watch the makeup commercials. It's not that you have trouble applying the makeup its that you don't look like the people that are selling the makeup.

Well listen to me, and realize that you are who you are. A comestic operation is not what is neccessary for you to feel better. Trying to morph into something you are not will not help you. What you need to do is realize that you are a beautiful person regardless of what society tells you. Ignore the fucking fashion magazines, stop watching entertainment tonight, shut your ears to the garbage you are fed on a daily basis. Realize that this society caters to a certain person and perhaps you are not that person. Not being this person should not lead you to try and transform into this person. It should make you realize that you do not have to play by their rules. I guarantee that you can find someone who will love you for you for you, who will treasure you regardless of ethnicity, someone who doesn't care about your eye size for god's sake. Now I know that you think you are getting this operation for yourself, for your own self esteem and self worth, but realize that you are not doing it just for you. You are being influenced by countless things, bombarded by popular culture, nudged by the media. Do you think you would even have an issue with your eyes if you didn't care what other people thought of you or what you percieved them to think of you. If someone, even yourself thinks that you would be a better person with bigger eyes, then they are fucking douchebag. How does eye size equate to self worth, to importance, to self esteem? It only does if you allow yourself to buy into these idealized notions of white beauty. Beauty is not an annorexic white chick draped in name brand designers. Beauty is when you are comfortable with yourself, when you are free from the bullshit of society. When you can look in the mirror and be happy with yourself. Filter out those voices, those ones hawking make-up, those skeletons draped with skin, waving you forward, their gigantic eyes dissecting you and making you feel inferior. Beauty is self confidence.

This isn't like the blonde haired asian chicks, this is physical alteration. Though you say it isn't, it is trying to erase your ethnicity. It's sad, it's unneccessary, it's angering. If I was black I would have the same problem with the skin bleaching. Just leave yourself alone. I actually do have a problem with blonde asians, but it's not even close to the intensity of my problem with this surgery. You remember when small feet were in? Was that beautiful or dumb? At the time it was beautiful, they were confined to chairs not even able to walk because of their deformed feet. I know this is not as drastic, but the point I am trying to make is that beauty is subjective, it is a percieved notion, it is transformed by culture and society. What I am saying, and have been reapetedly trying to hammer home, is that it is all a game that you don't have to play. Your self worth should not be based on the size of your eyes. I think asian girls are hot, if I saw an asian with freakishly enlarged eyes like you just jumped out of a god damn anime I would run the other way. Just stop comparing yourself to people you can't be, look in the mirror and accept who you are. If you are able to do this you will be much more happy than if you have your eyes enlarged. Or maybe not, what do I know? Does anyone else think this is weird and unneccessary?

Update: Here are some pics, though they may not be as drastic as I thought they would be, I still don't think it's neccessary, just keep it real son!! Just do you, naw mean!!!

Top: Before Bottom: After

Top: Before Bottom: After

Okay actually, this one kinda scare me, I think he looks much better in the before, Please don't do get this done. I love my asian eyes.