Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Busy art weekend for me. Went to the opening of Allstar Hustlaz II at White Walls on Saturday. Below is the main reason that I went to the show, Sylvia Ji. Sylvia's work is awesome, I heard she works 40 hours a week too? If anyone could be a fulltime artist I would think it would be her. I think she might work at a design place and love her job though. These are all just hazy recollections from an article I read months ago as well so don't take it as gospel. Anyway I am a big fan of her work.

I used to get freaked out by her skull stuff, ok I still do. But one of them I liked better than the non-skull creepy version. Her skill is undeniable though, beautifully rendered stuff. It just draws me in.

These were not badly priced either, kinda affordable in that retarded art world kinda way where dropping tons of cash is normal.

I can handle this creepy.

I forgot who did this. I go to group shows, there are tons of people showing and I don't take notes or take the price list. So inevitably there are lots of artists that will now be known as "forgot" or "unknown," maybe a "what'shisname." This is one such artists, sorry I do like your work though.

These three were done by Dalek. I am not a fan of cardboard. I like the images though.

He always has the same characters in his work, for a fan I guess that's good. If you aren't a fan there isn't that much of a chance you will like some of his other work, since it is all pretty much the same.

These two were done by Damon Soule. I am a fan of his stuff. I prefer the more geometric hard shapes like what is inside the squid's head as opposed to the shapes in the second painting.

These were done by forgot, I couldn't tell what they were, cut outs? Prints? Something weird, because the detail was insane and you couldn't see how the images were made. I mean there were no brush strokes or anything.

These three were by Gregory Euclide

I really like his stuff, it always has the same look, but I am a fan. There are levels to it, it's clean, graphically appealing and a nice flowy streamlined design.

You really do have to see these in person, I think it's colored pencil and water colors, I could be wrong though.

Whatever it is it's fantastic.

These were done by the infamous "forgot" he had a lot of work in this show huh?

I like the poppyniess of this. Yeah that's not a word but that's what it is. The commercial, advertising, pop cultureness that pervades these pieces along with the branded and bright colors is what I like. Wouldn't buy it but it appeals to my eyes.

Another forgotten artist

Ben Frost

Shane Jessup

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