So the Athletics played the Atlanta Braves for inter-league play last year. I stumbled on this thread The thread is basically about the tomohawk chop and the mascot of the "Brave." If you don't know what the tomohawk chop is, just think of how you used to play cowboys and indians when you were a little ignorant bastard and you will get the gist of it. You know when you used to run around and make "indian noises," do rain dances, and refused to answer to anything besides Pochohantas? Yeah you do, don't make me get the pictures, you saucy bastards. So, to do the move in question, basically you hold your arm like a tomohawk, which is where I think the tomohawk part of tomohawk chop comes from and then you make a chopping motion. I still don't get why it's called the tomohawk chop, I get the tomohawk part but the chop......Oh.......I get it, now. Is it just me or do I seem stupid? Well I guess that question was answered yesterday huh? Back to the lecture at hand, not only does the move consist of the physical motion, it is also accompanied by a vocalization. A slow and steady, Ohhhh, Ohhh, Ohh, I am insulting, Ohhh, Ohhh, ok one part of that didn't fit can you guess which part? Here is a video in case you were saying it wrong. Be sure to practice judiciously and be sure to do it absurdly loud at inappropriate times k?
The question here is, is this insulting and should the mascot be changed? I think the Indians have a far worse looking mascot, but both teams I think are a little offensive. Here is the Cleveland Indian's mascot.
The motherfucker's name is Chief Wahoo. Seriously? Chief Wahoo? Haha cmon. There are actually websites talking all about this, and every Indian mascot being used. Florida Seminoles, The Redskins, there are a bunch of others too.
I mean just look at the name Redskins, can you imagine a team being named the Yellowskins? Blackskins? How about the Yellowskins with a buck toothed rice hat wearing Chinese dude as their mascot. The cheer would be the whole crowd bowing and making Chinese jibberish noises in unison, would that fly? Shit even the name Indians is wrong. It only exists because some Italian guy got off his boat and thought he was in India. I am not going to debate this really, if you want a more informed historical debate on it you can find it in that thread or you can find it anywhere on the internet. Just looking for some pictures and stuff I found another sports forum arguing about the same issue as well. What I really wanted to address was the people who don't think it's offensive.
I understand that you don't think it's offensive, that's great, that's your right. What I don't understand is people arguing that others should not find it offensive. Like hey it's just a mascot get over it, uh oh here come the PC police, shit like that. Look you have the right to not be offended and the offended people have the right to be offended. If it doesn't offend you then why are you even talking or taking issue with it? You can't tell people they shouldn't be offended by something, just like I can't tell you should be offended by something. If you don't care then stand over there. Don't try and say it's no big deal, because obviously it is to some people, and those are the people being affected by it. I am all for freedom, let them be pissed, off, why do you care?
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