Friday, October 23, 2009

Facebook Status Messages

I have been really entertained by facebook statuses of strangers. These back and forths are so good they make it onto the internet and outside of the restricted zone of friends, acquaintances, and people that you talked to for 2 seconds at a bar last wed. My friend's status messages suck, they are all factual and in no way funny. Actually I barely check the site since I don't have an Iphone and I don't care if you are eating a swiss cheese sandwich. Provolone is better anyway. Below are some of these awesome moments and a link to more. Extra bonus of fake status updates from imaginary videogame characters. That's not nerdy at all right?....right?

This is why you set your shit to private or be careful who you accept as a friend.

College Humor
Check this one out too hahahhahaa
College Humor 2
a lot more here but not all of them are solid.
and fake ones

Oh and also when I googled facebook status messages trying to find funny ones, because I knew there must be a site where these were all compiled I got a lot of results for ready made status messages. Like really? You can't even come up with your own inane status messages? They aren't even funny and if you are that retarded that you need these we probably shouldn't be friends anyway. I just think it's weird and pathetic. Which could also be said about status messages in general but if you do post them at least come up with the shit yourself. Am I wrong?

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